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The two Chambers in the Argentine National Congress, both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, have offices dedicated to international relations and parliamentary diplomacy.


The Chamber of Deputies, through the National Deputies, participates in several parliamentary forums and organisations globally. The Directorate-General for Parliamentary Diplomacy, International Cooperation and Worship coordinates the activities held in the context of international agreements signed with international organisations as well as any other relations, either formal or informal, with international communities and organisations.


As per Speaker’s Office resolution No 90/2012, the mission of the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Diplomacy, International Cooperation and Worship is to assist and advise the Speaker in matters pertaining to international relations and cooperation.


The Speaker is the highest authority in the Chamber of Deputies and is, consequently, the highest authority in international relations and cooperation even though resolutions are issued by the Chamber of Deputies on plenary sessions. Said resolutions are regulated by the National Constitution, national laws and the Chamber’s own regulations. Therefore, the role of the authorities leading the different committees, observatories and forums becomes essential in the construction of international relations and cooperation.


The Directorate-General for Parliamentary Diplomacy, International Cooperation and Worship coordinates the following areas and programmes:


  • Parliamentary Friendship Groups

  • Malvinas Islands Observatory

  • The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (ASD)

  • Programme for Modernization, Innovation, Transparency and Democratic Empowerment


In like manner, this Directorate-General is responsible for coordinating the activities held by national deputies in the following Committees:


  • Foreign Relations and Worship Committee

  • MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market) Committee

  • Argentine-Chilean Special Joint Parliamentary Committee

  • Special Committee on the Modernisation of Parliamentary Performance and Procedures

  • Argentine-Mexican Bicameral Inter-Parliamentary Committee

  • Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean (PFH LAC) - Argentine Chapter


Directorate-General for Parliamentary Diplomacy, International Cooperation and Worship of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies.


The Directorate-General for Parliamentary Diplomacy, International Cooperation and Worship, which belongs to the Speaker’s Office of the Chamber of Deputies, was created on January 1st 2012 as per Speaker’s Office resolution No 90/2012.


Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina | Congreso de la Nación Argentina | Av. Rivadavia 1864 - Ciudad Autónoma de Bs. As. (C.P.C1033AAV) | + 54 11 6075-0000

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